Monday, October 26, 2009

Book List - Oct 23, 2009

The Art of Racing In the Rain : Garth Stein

Saturday night before my flight, while trying to get refill for the home printer, I stop by Borders to get couple of books to get me through my biz trip next day. I was just "looking" & picking up one book in random & one of the employees just passed by me, and gushed over how good that book was for him. As eternal sucker, I bought it, but I had my own trepidation. I always like to have recommendation, but also had share of disappointment as well.

What can I say ... it was "exactly" what I needed in my current circumstance. It was like God "knew" what I need to hear & somehow steer me to this book. Just Amazing !!

"The car goes where the eyes go". "Exactly", exactly & exactly ... if your eyes are on track, you keep driving, but if your eyes are on the wall (because you worried about crashing into it), you "will" make the car drive into the wall. In a life, if you worries about specifically things, it will lead you "into" it. "Exactly", that's what I been doing for last several months. Thinking & keeping my eyes on the wall ... how blind I was ...

"That which you manifest is before you". So simple, yet, so complicated. Everything in my life is before me because "I" decide it to be that way. Brutal truth, yet, so elegant. On the positive note, "I" can change life's direction, if I want to (i.e. I am not helpless victim anymore).

I will keep my eyes on the track. I "will" direct my life to go the way I want. The life is like driving car in the rain. Fast, with many obstacle, unpredictable, dangerous ... but, if you know how to "anticipate" & "deal" with it, it could be beyond "wonderful" ... I want to enjoy my life & enjoy this gift from God.

I never really was into the driving (or dog) before, but man ... I am itching to do some driving this weekend !!

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