Thursday, September 17, 2009

John Smith

I was on the way home (Portland) from weekend management meeting at Brussels. It was last leg of the trip, and it was from Washington, DC to Portland. After 12 hours on the road & air, I was really tired & disoriented. Then, this ... shows ? documentary ? as flight movie.

The idea itself is not new (& probably has been done some place & some other time before). They shows life of different John Smith in different stage of their life. i.e. They have 7 John Smith (at the age of 2, 8, 23, 36, 46, 70, 79) living in different part of USA & try to "represent" different part of life & shows different things that we go through in the life.

Typical show, but, somehow, in my current state, it moved me profoundly.

We all knows, in theoretical sense, that family is important, dream is important, we are all born to die. But, it really gives me another perspective of where I am in my life. However short my life so far, I went through so many things in my life that I need to be thankful & amazed on the things that actually happened / achieved. And now, it's ok to be afraid, it's ok to be upset, and it's "natural" for us to be in this constant change of state, because we are who we are .... as human being.

I am going to call my mom more often. I want to "really" talk to dad. I want to spend more time with my boys. I want to thankful every single day on the role given to me at work. I want to show how much I appreciate people I work with. And, more than anything, I want to say to myself ... Sung, you are ok, you are doing fine, don't freak out ... just enjoy this little thing call .... life ...

People says that the life is marathon, but the fact is that actually, in the grand scheme, it's too short to even call it as sprint ... :-)

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