Sunday, March 30, 2008

My Current (in flight) Reading List

March 31, 2008

1. 영원한 제국 - 이인화 (정조 독살 - 중세후기 조선사회)
2. 생각정리의 기술 (Mind Map) - 드니 르보 외 (Denis Rebaud, Jean-Luc Deladriere, PierreMongin, Frederic Le Bihan)
3. 위험한 생각들 (What is your dangerous idea?) - 존 브록만 (John Brockman)

Reading List - March, 2008

1. 용의자 X의 헌신 - 히가시노 게이고 This book somehow surprised me. Initially, I thought it was a typical book to kill time on the flight, but not only this has enough "turns & twist" to be entertaining, at the end, it turns itself into completely different type of book than I expected. Love ... there are number of different type of love which I don't understand ...

2. 중국어 300마디 - 송재복
Another try on my never ending Chinese study - chapter 1 ... again ... ;-)

3. 와인의 세계 - 이원복
Historical background of wine from dark age to current, twist and turn of it's fortune, and even better, in my very favorite format (comic book !!!)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Start Up

This will be a new blog for my reading list. Because of my job, I have to be on biz trip quite often. My way of "relaxing" time is doing reading. Within this blog, I would like to capture part of my life.